Results for 'Enrique Ruspoli Morenes'

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    Explaining Human Change: On Generative Mechanisms in Social Work Practice.Stefan Morén & Björn Blom - 2003 - Journal of Critical Realism 2 (1):37-60.
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    Enrique P. Haba, Raul Suarez de Miguel, Mario Nicolodi, George Chatalian, Hans Ebeling.Enrique P. Haba, Raul Suarez de Miguel, Mario Nicolodi, George Chatalian & Hans Ebeling - 1988 - Philosophie Et Culture: Actes du XVIIe Congrès Mondial de Philosophie 5:610-611.
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  3. Enrique Serrano Gómez.Enrique Serrano Gómez - 2005 - Signos Filosóficos 7 (13).
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    Comments On “Stakeholder Value Equilibration and the Entrepreneurial Process,” by S. Venkataraman.Moren Lévesque - 2002 - The Ruffin Series of the Society for Business Ethics 3:163-173.
    While discovery of error provides personal gain for the entrepreneur, does this process automatically allocate value equitably among all stakeholders? We argue that the entrepreneurial process can be used to generate or maintain an entrepreneur’s personal wealth through the exploitation of a stakeholder group. Thus entrepreneurship can be both an equilibrating and a disequilibrating process and that both the visible hand of government and the decisions of an entrepreneur can speed or slow our movement toward value equilibrium. Speed toward value (...)
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  5. Tratado de Astrología atribuido a Enrique de Villena, ed. Pedro M. Cátedra, intr. Julio Samsó, Barcelona.Enrique de Villena - forthcoming - Humanitas.
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  6. Analysis of Generative Mechanisms.Björn Blom & Stefan Morén - 2011 - Journal of Critical Realism 10 (1):60-79.
    The focus of this article is the analysis of generative mechanisms, a basic concept and phenomenon within the metatheoretical perspective of critical realism. It is emphasized that research questions and methods, as well as the knowledge it is possible to attain, depend on the basic view – ontologically and epistemologically – regarding the phenomenon under scrutiny. A generative mechanism is described as a trans empirical but real existing entity, explaining why observable events occur. Mechanisms are mostly possible to grasp only (...)
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  7. The architectonic of the ethics of liberation: On material ethics and formal moralities.Enrique Dussel - 1997 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 23 (3):1-35.
    This contribution is a critical and constructive engage ment with discourse ethics. First, it clarifies why discourse ethics has difficulties with the grounding and application of moral norms. Second, it turns to a positive appropriation of the formal and proce dural aspects of discourse ethics. The goal is the elaboration of an ethics that is able to incorporate the material aspects of goods and the formal dimension of ethical validity and consensuability. Every morality is the formal application of some substantive (...)
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  8. Defining LFIs and LFUs in extensions of infectious logics.Szmuc Damian Enrique - 2016 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 26 (4):286-314.
    The aim of this paper is to explore the peculiar case of infectious logics, a group of systems obtained generalizing the semantic behavior characteristic of the -fragment of the logics of nonsense, such as the ones due to Bochvar and Halldén, among others. Here, we extend these logics with classical negations, and we furthermore show that some of these extended systems can be properly regarded as logics of formal inconsistency and logics of formal undeterminedness.
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    Revisión crítica a las perspectivas contemporáneas sobre el rol del lenguaje en el marxismo.Enrique León Verastegui, Eduardo Yalan Dongo & Baal Delupi - 2023 - Azafea: Revista de Filosofia 25:319-341.
    El objetivo de este artículo es revisar críticamente la perspectiva actual de la literatura especializada sobre el papel del lenguaje en el modo de producción capitalista contemporáneo. Para llevarlo a cabo, se han examinado tres momentos clave en la relación entre marxismo y lenguaje, y ello nos ha permitido identificar los componentes teóricos y epistemológicos de las propuestas de la filosofía del lenguaje que animan el debate actual. Nuestra intención es promover una discusión con la literatura citada en relación con (...)
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    Philosophical Issues.Enrique Villanueva (ed.) - 1996 - Atascadero: Ridgeview.
    This is a collection of papers on metaethics very broadly conceived, to include, for example, moral psychology. Incorporates a broad view of philosophy, utilizing contributions from leading philosophers Provides readers with the latest cutting-edge developments in this extensive subject.
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    Ethics of Liberation in the Age of Globalization and Exclusion.Enrique Dussel - 2012 - Duke University Press. Edited by Alejandro A. Vallega.
    High cultures and the inter-regional system: beyond Hellenocentrism -- The material moment of the ethics, practical truth -- Formal morality, intersubjective validity -- Ethical feasibility and the "goodness claim" -- The ethical critique of the prevailing system : from the perspective of the negativity of the victims -- The anti-hegemonic validity of the community of victims -- The liberation principle -- Appendix I. some theses in the order of their appearance in the text -- Appendix II. Sais: capital of Egypt.
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    Le livre des théophanies d'Ibn Arabî: introduction philosophique, commentaire et traduction annotée du Kitâb al-tajalliyât.Stéphane Ruspoli - 2000 - Paris: Cerf.
    Dans la vaste production philosophique d'Ibn Arabi (1165-1240), "Le livre des théophanies" condense l'essentiel de la doctrine de l'union mystique du métaphysicien soufiste, en une centaine de brèves visions qui sont autant d'éclairages ponctuels sur les stations et les arcanes de la connaissance divine.
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    Syllogistic with Indefinite Terms.Enrique Alvarez & Manuel Correia - 2012 - History and Philosophy of Logic 33 (4):297-306.
    This paper presents a restructured set of axioms for categorical logic. In virtue of it, the syllogistic with indefinite terms is deduced and proved, within the categorical logic boundaries. As a result, the number of all the conclusive syllogisms is deduced through a simple and axiomatic methodology. Moreover, the distinction between immediate and mediate inferences disappears, which reinstitutes the unity of Aristotelian logic.
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  14. Educación del hombre.Enrique José Mochó - 1947 - Montevideo,: Casa A. Barreiro y Ramos.
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  15. " Dios presente en San Francisco": interpretaciçon ontológica de Louis Lavelle.Enrique Rivera - 1980 - Naturaleza y Gracia 2:293-321.
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  16. Morale sociale.Enrique Colom - 1999 - In Enrique Colom, Angel Rodríguez Luño & José M. Galván (eds.), Scelti in Cristo per essere santi. Roma: Apollinare studi.
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  17. La instauración del estado liberal en el Perú.B. Enrique Bernales - 1979 - In Enrique Bernales B. (ed.), Burguesía y estado liberal. Lima: Centro de Estudios y Promoción del Desarrollo.
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    The Willingness to Intervene in Cases of Intimate Partner Violence Against Women Scale: Development and Validation of the Long and Short Versions.Enrique Gracia, Manuel Martín-Fernández, Miriam Marco, Faraj A. Santirso, Viviana Vargas & Marisol Lila - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  19. Los aspectos antipedagógicos de los videojuegos.Enrique Javier Díez Gutiérrez - 2007 - Critica 57 (947):49-53.
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    Twenty Theses on Politics.Enrique Dussel - 2008 - Duke University Press.
    First published in Spanish in 2006, _Twenty Theses on Politics_ is a major statement on political philosophy from Enrique Dussel, one of Latin America’s—and the world’s—most important philosophers, and a founder of the philosophy of liberation. Synthesizing a half-century of his pioneering work in moral and political philosophy, Dussel presents a succinct rationale for the development of political alternatives to the exclusionary, exploitative institutions of neoliberal globalization. In twenty short, provocative theses he lays out the foundational elements for a (...)
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  21. Logical Operations and Invariance.Enrique Casanovas - 2007 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 36 (1):33-60.
    I present a notion of invariance under arbitrary surjective mappings for operators on a relational finite type hierarchy generalizing the so-called Tarski-Sher criterion for logicality and I characterize the invariant operators as definable in a fragment of the first-order language. These results are compared with those obtained by Feferman and it is argued that further clarification of the notion of invariance is needed if one wants to use it to characterize logicality.
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    Delito y punibilidad.Enrique Bacigalupo - 1983 - Madrid: Civitas.
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  23. Compromiso latinoamericano= Latin American comopromise.Enrique Bañuelos - 2006 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 45:12-13.
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    Posmodernidad y transmodernidad: diálogos con la filosofía de Gianni Vattimo.Enrique D. Dussel - 1999 - [Puebla, México]: Universidad Iberoamericana Plantel Laguna.
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  25. Alliances Between Brands and Social Causes: The Influence of Company Credibility on Social Responsibility Image.Enrique Bigné Alcañiz, Ruben Chumpitaz Cáceres & Rafael Currás Pérez - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 96 (2):169-186.
    This research extends previous findings related to the positive influence of company credibility on a social Cause–Brand Alliance’s (CBA) persuasion mechanism. This study analyzes the mediating role of two dimensions of company credibility (trustworthiness and expertise) with regard to the influence of altruistic attributions and two types of brand–cause fit (functional and image fit) on corporate social responsibility image. A structural equation model tests the proposed framework with a sample of 299 consumers, and the results suggest that (1) image fit (...)
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    A Supersimple Nonlow Theory.Enrique Casanovas & Byunghan Kim - 1998 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 39 (4):507-518.
    This paper presents an example of a supersimple nonlow theory and characterizes its independence relation.
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    Introducción al pensamiento filosófico de Agustín Basave Fernández del Valle.Enrique Aguayo - 2005 - Monterrey, Nuevo León, México: Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León.
  28. Una nueva edad en la historia de la filosofía : el diálogo mundial entre tradiciones filosóficas.Enrique Domingo Dussel Ambrosini - 2011 - In Adalberto Santana (ed.), Filosofía, historia de las ideas e ideología en América Latina y el Caribe. México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.
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    Fragilidades de las éticas de la virtud.Enrique López Castellón - 1993 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 9:151.
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    El iceberg de Ernest Hemingway en la cayeria de Romano.Enrique Cirules - 2004 - Alpha (Osorno) 20.
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  31. Habermas: Universales sin absolutos.Enrique Ferrer Corredor - 2009 - A Parte Rei 63:7.
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  32. El concepto de número en G. Frege.Enrique F. Bocardo Crespo - 1998 - Thémata: Revista de Filosofía 19:41-58.
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  33. Las figuras del "otro" en la dimensión política: la dimensión moral del conflicto político.Enrique Serrano Gómez - 1996 - Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 8:41-58.
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    Leibniz: Critical and Interpretive Essays.Enrique Villanueva - 1985 - Noûs 19 (4):622-626.
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    Lo platónico en el siglo V p.C., Proclo: (análisis de las fuentes del Comentario de Proclo al Timeo platónico en su libro V, Prólogo y Genealogía de los dioses).Enrique Angel Ramos Jurado - 1981 - [Sevilla]: Secretariado de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Sevilla.
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  36. Talante humano, cultural y religioso de Felipe II, a través del" Diurnal" del secretario Antonio Gracián Dantisco.Enrique Llamas Martínez - 2003 - Ciudad de Dios 216 (2):991-1024.
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  37. Releer a Aristóteles.Enrique Suárez - 1999 - Paideia 20 (50):533-536.
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  38. Un alambique para la emoción.Enrique Turpin - 2005 - Critica 55 (924):45-48.
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    Aventuras en el Mundo de la Lógica: Ensayos en Honor a María Manzano.Enrique Alonso, Antonia Huertas & Andrei Moldovan (eds.) - 2019 - College Publications.
    Este libro es un compendio de diversos artículos del ámbito de la Lógica que cubren un amplio abanico de temas ofreciendo una panorámica sobre esta disciplina. Encontraremos artículos sobre aspectos históricos y sobe el desarrollo de la lógica en la filosofía, la informática y las matemáticas actuales; otros sobre cuestiones de metalógica, y otros sobre diferentes tipos de lógicas: intuicionista, híbridas e intensionales, y sus lenguajes, semánticas y aplicaciones. El resultado en su conjunto es, además, una reflexión sobre el papel (...)
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    An exposition of the compactness of.Enrique Casanovas & Martin Ziegler - 2020 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 26 (3-4):212-218.
    We give an exposition of the compactness of L(QcfC), for any set C of regular cardinals.
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    Information, Semantics and Epistemology.Enrique Villanueva (ed.) - 1990 - Cambridge: Blackwell.
  42. De la vida y del amor.Enrique Cueto - 1993 - Santiago de Chile: Instituto Carlos Casanueva.
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    Metodología (realista) del derecho: claves para el razonamiento jurídico de visión social práctica.Enrique Pedro Haba - 2012 - [San José]: Editorial UCR.
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    Ensayo sobre lo que no se ve.Enrique Lynch - 2021 - Madrid: Abada.
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  45. Apunte sobre la indistinguibilidad.Enrique Trillas Ruiz - 1993 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 8 (1):23-49.
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  46. AIJU. La Asociación de Investigación de la Industria del Juguete.Enrique Seguí - 2007 - Critica 57 (947):74-76.
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  47. Una ontología del amor propio.Enrique Fernández Sánchez - 2007 - A Parte Rei 51:14.
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  48. G. VESEY, "Personal Identity".Enrique Villanueva - 1975 - Critica 7 (21):122.
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    The Educator in the Face of Reform.Enrique Gómez León & James Alison - 1999 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 6 (1):96-103.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:THE EDUCATOR IN THE FACE OF REFORM Enrique Gómez León It might be claimed that all the reforms ofthe educational systems of the wealthy nations of the West aim to accomplish the motto of the French Revolution: Liberty, Equality, Fraternity. The principle goal of school today is the formation ofcitizens. Laws enshrine this sacred purpose, and politicians repeat it in every conceivable declaration oftheir programs. Public schools are (...)
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    Perception.Enrique Villanueva (ed.) - 1996 - Ridgeview Pub. Co.
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